This website is undergoing construction and corrective action to address accessibility
issues experiences by some of our valued customers. The company has adopted the W3C
WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as its accessibility standard for all
online products and services that the company designs, develops and/or procures, on or
after the effective date of this Accessibility Policy. We are working to ensure, to the extent
practicable, that new online products and services satisfy the standard Success Criteria set
forth in the WCAG 2.0.The company is committed to making its websites accessible to customers with disabilities
and welcomes suggestions for improvement.While we strive to make the company’s websites as accessible as possible, we ask for your
patience during this time of transition.
issues experiences by some of our valued customers. The company has adopted the W3C
WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as its accessibility standard for all
online products and services that the company designs, develops and/or procures, on or
after the effective date of this Accessibility Policy. We are working to ensure, to the extent
practicable, that new online products and services satisfy the standard Success Criteria set
forth in the WCAG 2.0.The company is committed to making its websites accessible to customers with disabilities
and welcomes suggestions for improvement.While we strive to make the company’s websites as accessible as possible, we ask for your
patience during this time of transition.